Friday, 16 April 2010

Jekyll Island

Thursday 15th April

We all rose quite early this morning, courtesy of jetlag, Allison and Andrea went for an early morning workout in the gym and Roy decided to go outside for a jog, however he soon discovered that this part of Atlanta has lots of roads and not many pavements so a few laps of the hotel car park was the order of the morning.

Listening to CNN News during breakfast we discovered that we had left the UK just in time as all flights had been grounded due to a Volcano eruption in Iceland which had covered the whole of the UK and most of mainland Europe in a large cloud of volcanic ash.

We met our opposite numbers, the American GSE time for the first time this morning in the hotel reception area before setting off on our 315 mile journey to Jekyll Island, the location of this years District 6910 annual conference. We had two large Ford people carriers to transport us there and we divided ourselves up according to gender rather than teams to enable us to get to know our fellow members.

Lunch break at Buckners family restaurant

Our first evening at Jekyll Island was special to say the least. We started off at the ‘Rah Bar’ eating shrimps, oysters and crawfish whilst watching the sun go down over the harbour.

We then moved on to the picturesque Jekyll Island Club Courtyard where Chris Stallworth introduced us all to his impressive single malt whiskey collection. A man with a more in depth knowledge of scotch I am yet to meet.

Pick of the bunch - a MaCallan fine oak cask 21 year old single malt whiskey

Both GSE Teams at the Jekyll Island Club

 The celebration of this fine beverage continued well into the evening before we all headed back to our beach front accommodation in fine spirits in anticipation of the conference opening early next morning.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent posting. Looks like a good time was had by all. Im jealous. Melissa doesnt appreciate a good single malt.

    James Gill
