Monday, 22 February 2010

Uniform selection day

Sunday 21st Feb

We all met at Slater's in Manchester city centre to select the uniforms that we would be wearing for formal engagements during their visit to Georgia. After being shown various different colours and designs, everybody's favourite was the grey pin stripe option. It was great that everybody's mind was thinking alike (and to be honest, the other options made us look like flight attendants!). The men chose a single breasted suite with three button's and the ladies opted for trousers instead of skirts.
We also opted for short sleeve shirts in anticipation of the lovely sunny spring weather in the deep south.

After Slater's, Roy led us all to Panama Hatty's for lunch where we all got our heads together and started planning what we need to do before our departure date of 14th April, which although seems a long way off, is rapidly approaching us. We had a look through our Powerpoint presentation on Steve's laptop and everybody was happy with how it looked with just a few tweaks needed for the final draft.

The next meeting date was set for Saturday 13th March, again at Slater's where we will be trying on our new uniforms.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Received timetable of events in Georgia, all looks very exciting.

Meeting in Manchester Suinday 21st Feb. to

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Meeting tonight a my house with Steve. Most Impressed with the progress so far. Well done Steve and thank you.. Name Badges on order now, Business Cards on order later this week. Roy to give Steve address for the photographs. The Brochure pages are almost finished subjest to action photographs from Roy & Gareth.


Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The meeting that never happened......

Our third meeting was scheduled for Sunday 7th February however things did not go quite as planned. Roy, who had been on holiday in Cuba was left stranded in the airport due to a fault with the plane. Phone calls were made to the team members that the meeting was cancelled however the message did not find its way to Allison who promptly turned up on Roy's doorstep in a timely fashion only to realise that she was all alone.

Second meeting - Speeches

We all met again at Roy's house on 13th Dec. All the team members had been busy preparing their individual speeches. We each took our turn to read out what we had prepared and give constructive feed back. It became apparent that everyones speech overlapped someone else's a little. It was also noticed that most of the content was focused mainly on Manchester and less on the rest of our district. It was agreed that the effort we had put into our speeches so far was very good however we would all need to do a bit of tweaking here and there before our next meeting.
Joyce, Roy's wife had made us an excellent chilli con carne with garlic bread and we all tucked in to a hearty lunch and chatted about our plans for Christmas.